Tuesday, September 22, 2020

WK1_ Lobster

Hansel and Gretel are 19-year-old club kids living in a major metropolitan city that is the aesthetic culmination of Miami, Las Vegas, New York, and Tokyo. When their fake IDs are confiscated, they become limited in the venues that allow them. Eventually they stumble upon Kandi Haus, a tucked away little neon club in the party district. Despite rumors that many a partyer has died in this club from laced substances, it becomes their regular hangout. The club is owned by a drug dealer in his early 30s who provides them with seemingly infinite Molly, Acid, Cocaine, Alcohol, and whatever else their heart so desires. One night, they consume a laced substance and develop a serious addiction issue. This was the club owner’s plan all along: he gives the adolescents a bill of all the drugs they’d consumed from the very beginning. They cannot afford to pay it, but they now have a dependency on the club owner as he feeds into their addictions. As a result, they become his property and completely lose their freedom.



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